HomeAIInterview: Prashant Yadav On Whilter AI's Approach to Relevant Consumer Communications

Interview: Prashant Yadav On Whilter AI’s Approach to Relevant Consumer Communications



During an interview with TechGraph, Prashant Yadav, Co-Founder of Whilter AI, spoke about the importance of collaboration between AI and human talent in brand communications, and how Whilter AI leverages AI to meet the specific requirements of brand managers and creative teams to deliver hyper-personalized messages that resonate with the audience.

Read the complete interview:

TechGraph: Can you share the Genesis story of Whilter Ai? What inspired the idea and how did it evolve into the innovative platform it is today?

Prashant Yadav: It started with the rise of video content on our devices. I was running my video studio back then, and I could sense a pattern in the videos. With such a high demand for visual content, the supply could not always keep up. It felt natural that such demand could only be met with an automated solution.

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Troubled with similar observations, Rajan and I found each other. With his experience in ML/AI, we kept iterating with the latest workflows. When Gen-AI caught its breakout, we were ahead of the curve. Starting from primitive video templates, we’re now flaunting intelligent, automated, near real-time hyper-personalized video communications. This eliminates the huge costs and time involved with meeting video demands manually.

TechGraph: Whilter Ai is positioned as a solution to reshape text-based interactions into personalized videos. Could you elaborate on the technology behind this transformation and how it enhances customer engagement?

Prashant Yadav: The technology is a well-balanced combination of AI and Gen-AI systems. Whilter positions its AI to learn from ‘Customer Behaviour’, ‘Environmental Context’, and ‘Stage of Journey’ to deduce which precise hyper-personalized message the customer will appreciate, and respond to. It then uses Gen AI to generate the most enticing and visually engaging versions of these messages.

We want the consumer to find the communications relevant, so they appreciate being contacted, rather than get annoyed. Further, we want to make communications easier and more enjoyable to consume than reading or absorbing long textual messages.

TechGraph: In today’s digital landscape, personalization is key to customer retention and brand loyalty. How do you ensure that its personalized video content remains authentic and resonates with the intended audience?

Prashant Yadav: I firmly believe that AI and human talent are supposed to collaborate rather than compete. We fine-tune our AI layer to the exact requirements of the Brand Managers and our Gen-AI layers to the creative agencies and teams at the client’s end. This control, with our built-in authenticity checks, ensures that there is always a precise human intent behind every communication we generate. The vision is to build a tool that helps teams create content at the speed of thought, we don’t mean to eliminate the root human creative intent behind any campaign.

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Additionally, we continually train our recommendation AI to only push messages that the consumer is responding to, so it keeps resonating with the updated, most relevant requirements of the audience.

TechGraph: Scalability is often a challenge when it comes to personalized content creation. How does Whilter Ai address this challenge, and what strategies do you employ to ensure that personalized videos can be created efficiently and affordably at scale?

Prashant Yadav: Engineering. That’s the core of it. Engineering has helped humanity improve the quality, speed, and affordability of technology over the years. Whilter is no different. The recipe is really simple: “Keep the user’s needs at the center, use available tools to solve the most pressing problems, and keep looking to innovate week after week.”

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TechGraph: With the increasing demand for visual content across various digital platforms, how do you see Whilter Ai contributing to the future of brand communication and marketing strategies?

Prashant Yadav: Technology moves fast and AI is moving even faster. Whilter’s core objective has always been to solve problems with video generation effectively and affordably.

The landscape of visual content and AI’s role in it may change rapidly, but wherever it may go, Whilter plans to lead the change. Right now the best way to connect with a consumer is via hyper-personalised videos in their inbox.

In the future, the latest marketing strategy may change. Our core philosophy is to leverage the latest technology and help brands connect to their users in the best way possible. When a company wants to bring the best user experience to their brand communications, they’ll always find Whilter to be the trustable solution provider to execute their vision.

TechGraph: Looking ahead, what innovations or developments can we expect from Whilter Ai in the near future, and how do you envision the platform evolving to meet the changing needs of brands and consumers?

Prashant Yadav: One area of focus is enhancing our AI algorithms to deliver even more relevant and engaging video content. We’re exploring advanced techniques in natural language processing and computer vision to further improve the accuracy and relevance of our video recommendations.

However, having the latest technology at our fingertips means nothing if we’re solving the wrong problems. We want to actively collect feedback and identify ground problems from both the supply and the demand side of the ecosystem.

We plan to achieve that by releasing a self-serve platform for brands, as well as video production houses. The problem we’re solving is global, hence solving it will require methodical iterations from our world-class team of ingenious engineers.

We’re confident in our team’s talent and I’m putting an expectation on Whilter to be the unanimous market leader in hyper-personalised visual communications.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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