The Government of Maharashtra on Friday said, "It has fixed the price of Remdesivir injection at Rs 2,360 apiece."
Addressing the press on the COVID-19...
Senior Congress leader and former Chief Minister of Prithviraj Chavan on Saturday criticized the ICMR Plan to launch coronavirus vaccine by August 15, 2020.
Amidst myriad devastation created by the novel coronavirus around the world, news industries might learn to survive with regained credibility, continued authenticity, and most...
Addressing the media on Thursday, Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said, "Lockdown is in no way a solution to the Coronavirus pandemic."
"Lockdown is like...
Speaking in the parliament on Monday, Indian National Congress leader, Rahul Gandhi asked the government, "Who are these 500 wilful bank defaulters, and why...
New Delhi: Congress leader and former president of Indian National Congress, Rahul Gandhi has slammed the Narendra Modi rule NDA government for not taking...
Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi took on Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led union government over the issue of crashing of Sensex, state of economy and...
Speaking in the parliament on Friday, Congress leader and ex-finance minister P. Chidambaram said, “A classic solution for reviewing the sluggish economy is by...
The U.S. based micro-blogging site Twitter Inc on Thursday announced that "It has reported 45.6 million tweets on its platform during a first-month period...
Twitter is taking "multi-variable" steps, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, to curb the spread of misleading information on its platform ahead...