HomeAIInterview: Writesonic Founder Sumanyou Garg On Chatsonic Approach to AI-Generated Content

Interview: Writesonic Founder Sumanyou Garg On Chatsonic Approach to AI-Generated Content



In an interview with TechGraph, Sumanyou Garg, Founder of Writesonic, shed light on Chatsonic’s innovative strategies to revolutionize AI-generated content creation.

Read the complete interview:

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TechGraph: How does Chatsonic ensure the quality and accuracy of the content generated by its AI tools?

Sumanyou Garg: Chatsonic employs a multifaceted approach to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content generated by its AI tools, utilizing a combination of integrated Google Search capabilities and a suite of preprocessing and postprocessing AI models. One of the key features that distinguishes Chatsonic from other AI models is its integration with Google Search. This connection allows the tool to tap into the vast and continually updated database of Google’s search engine, providing users with the most recent and relevant data.

Consequently, the content generated by Chatsonic can be hyper-relevant, and capable of covering not only well-established topics but also new developments, including breaking news. This real-time search capability ensures the generated content remains up-to-date and accurate, greatly enhancing the quality and relevance of the output. Users can toggle this feature on or off depending on their needs, offering flexibility in using the tool.

Chatsonic’s high-quality results can also be attributed to the use of multiple preprocessing and postprocessing AI models operating in the background. Pre-processing models help prepare the input data, ensuring it is in a suitable format for processing and interpretation by the main AI. This step might involve cleaning the data, handling missing values, or converting data into a format that can be understood by an AI system.

After the main AI generates the content, post-processing models come into play. These models help refine the output, correcting any errors, and ensuring the content aligns with the specified guidelines or standards. These pre-processing and post-processing steps work in tandem to enhance the quality of the final output, ensuring that Chatsonic content is not only accurate and up-to-date but also coherent, grammatically correct, and suitable for the intended purpose.

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TechGraph: What measures are in place to avoid plagiarism or other potential issues with automated content creation?

Sumanyou Garg: Chatsonic generates original content based on input prompts rather than copying and pasting information from sources. AI models are trained on a vast corpus of text, and they generate output based on patterns learned during training, reducing the likelihood of plagiarism.

Chatsonic integrates with plagiarism detection tools that automatically scan generated content for plagiarism issues. These advanced algorithms compare the text against a massive database of online content, flagging similar sections.

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When Chatsonic pulls information from external sources during real-time web searches, it paraphrases the information to create new, original content. This involves changing the sentence structure and replacing words with synonyms while preserving the original meaning, thus avoiding direct plagiarism. Chatsonic automatically includes source attribution when using external data or information ensuring that credit is given where it is due and further minimizing the risk of plagiarism.

TechGraph: With AI-generated content becoming more commonplace, how does Chatsonic ensure its content stands out and is unique?

Sumanyou Garg: Chatsonic employs several strategies to ensure its AI-generated content is not only high-quality but also unique and capable of standing out in the competitive landscape of automated content creation. Here’s how they do it based on the points provided: Unlike many other platforms that primarily rely on models like ChatGPT, Chatsonic diversifies its AI capabilities by leveraging a variety of models and algorithms.

This diversification allows Chatsonic to draw on multiple models’ strengths, leading to richer and more nuanced content output. Each model comes with its unique features and strengths, and by combining them, Chatsonic can create more diverse, adaptable, and robust content that stands out.

Chatsonic extends beyond generating raw content. It implements a wide range of preprocessing and postprocessing steps to enhance the quality and uniqueness of the output. Here’s how some of these steps help the content stand out:

Before content generation begins, Chatsonic classifies intent to understand the user’s goal. This step ensures that the generated content aligns with the user’s intentions, whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or for another purpose. By understanding the intent behind the request, Chatsonic can tailor the content to meet the user’s specific needs and expectations.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial to digital content creation. Chatsonic incorporates SEO optimization into its content generation process. This ensures that the produced content is engaging and readable and likely to rank well in search engine results. This involves the strategic use of keywords, meta tags, and other SEO best practices, which can significantly enhance the visibility and reach of the content.

Chatsonic integrates with Google Search to provide the latest and most relevant data in its content. This feature ensures that the generated content is up-to-date and accurate, which enhances the credibility of the content but also makes it more engaging for the audience. Chatsonic’s ability to include current and factual information in real-time allows it to create unique, timely, and relevant content.

By leveraging diverse AI models and incorporating various preprocessing and postprocessing steps, Chatsonic delivers content tailored to the user’s intent, optimized for search engines, and filled with up-to-date factual information. As a result, the output is not just another piece of AI-generated content—it’s a high-quality, original, and impactful piece of communication.

TechGraph: Chatsonic offers a range of content formats, including blog posts, social media content, and product descriptions. How does the platform adapt its AI to create different types of content, and what role do human writers play in this process?

Sumanyou Garg: Creating different types of content requires adapting to different writing styles, tones, and structures. Chatsonic uses AI and human input to meet these varying demands. Chatsonic’s AI models are trained on a diverse corpus of text, including many types of content—from blog posts and social media content to product descriptions and more. This broad training enables AI to understand the different formats and structures typical of these content types.

When a user selects a specific content type, the AI model uses this knowledge to generate appropriate content. For example, if a user chooses “blog post”, the AI might create a longer piece of content with an introduction, body, and conclusion. If “social media content” is selected, the AI will generate shorter, more engaging content suitable for platforms like Twitter or Instagram.

While AI has made significant strides in content generation, human writers still play a crucial role in the process. AI can produce a draft, but human writers often review, edit, and fine-tune this content. They ensure the content meets the highest quality standards, aligns with the brand voice, and is appropriate for the intended audience.

Moreover, human writers can provide creative input that AI currently cannot replicate. They can come up with creative ideas, add a personal touch to the content, and craft narratives that resonate with readers on a deeper level.

Additionally, human writers contribute to AI’s ongoing improvement. They can provide feedback on AI-generated content, which can be used to further train and refine the AI models. This feedback loop helps AI learn from its mistakes and continuously improve its performance over time.

TechGraph: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest content optimization techniques and search engine algorithms?

Sumanyou Garg: Our Product team continuously explores new developments in the AI and SEO content space to keep our products up-to-date as per the changing market requirements.

We keep launching updates every week in our existing features as per the changing algorithms of search engines so the content our AI produces can help you rank better.

TechGraph: How do you stay up-to-date on industry trends and changes in the content development landscape?

Sumanyou Garg: At Writesonic, we stay ahead of the curve by keeping up with technological advancements. Our marketing team does in-depth market research to identify what the market needs and what will succeed in the future.

Moreover, our product roadmaps are developed with precision and careful planning. As a result, our products often exceed customers’ expectations.

TechGraph: How do you ensure that the content you produce is engaging and relevant to the target audience?

Sumanyou Garg: Chatsonic employs several strategies to ensure that AI tools generate engaging and relevant content for the target audience. Here’s how we do it: Before generating the content, Chatsonic performs intent classification. This step aims to understand the goal of the user’s request, which can range from informing, persuading, entertaining, or for any other purpose. By understanding the user’s intent, AI can tailor the content to meet the user’s specific needs and expectations, leading to more engaging and relevant content.

By integrating with Google Search, Chatsonic can pull in the latest and most relevant data, ensuring timely and factual content. This feature allows the AI to produce content that is accurate and hyper-relevant to current events and trending topics. This relevance to the current context can significantly boost the content’s engagement level.

Chatsonic incorporates SEO optimization into its content generation process, making it more discoverable to the target audience. By strategically using keywords and other SEO best practices, the AI can produce content that ranks higher in search engine results, increasing its visibility and reach.

Depending on the type of content required (e.g., blog posts, social media posts, product descriptions), the AI adapts its writing style, tone, and structure. This adaptability ensures that the content aligns with the platform it’s intended for, making it more engaging for the specific audience of that platform.

Even though AI is capable of generating high-quality content, human review is still an essential part of the process. Human writers or editors can review the AI-generated content, tweaking and refining it to ensure it resonates with the target audience. They can add creative touches, personalize the content, and ensure it aligns with the brand voice.

TechGraph: How does your company balance SEO optimization with creating valuable and engaging content?

Sumanyou Garg: SEO-optimized content doesn’t have to sound robotic! Technically, if you place the keywords naturally the content will become SEO-friendly and engaging as well. Our AI models are trained to create content that has naturally occurring keywords. This approach focuses on keeping content valuable, relevant, and search engine friendly.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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