HomeInterviewsFrom Pixels to Purchases: VOSMOS CEO Piyush Gupta On Personalized Shopping in the Metaverse

From Pixels to Purchases: VOSMOS CEO Piyush Gupta On Personalized Shopping in the Metaverse



Speaking to TechGraph, Piyush Gupta CEO of VOSMOS discusses the transformative potential of the Metaverse and how the company is using cutting-edge technologies to enhance the overall brand experience for customers.

Read the complete interview:

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TechGraph: The Metaverse holds great potential for transforming the way we interact with digital content. How does VOSMOS believe this technology can enhance the overall brand experience for consumers within virtual stores?

Piyush Gupta: VOSMOS believes that the Metaverse has tremendous potential for transforming brand experiences in virtual storefronts. VOSMOS already creates an immersive and interactive environment in which consumers engage with products and brands in new ways. Customers explore lifelike 3D representations of products and services in the Metaverse’s virtual storefronts and interact with them digitally.

VOSMOS envisions a Metaverse where consumers enjoy customized and personalized retail experiences. Consumers visualize how things might look and fit in the real world using virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, allowing for better-informed purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the Metaverse allows businesses to organize unique experiences, social interactions, and virtual events – encouraging a sense of community among customers.

TechGraph: Creating a seamless and intuitive user interface is crucial for a successful virtual store. How does VOSMOS ensure that the Metaverse-based shopping experience is user-friendly and accessible to a diverse audience?

Piyush Gupta: VOSMOS is committed to offering a user-friendly and unique shopping experience for consumers. To begin, we engage in user testing and research, receiving feedback from varied consumers to better understand their requirements and preferences. This influences the design of the interface. Secondly, VOSMOS emphasizes the convenience of use and usability, optimizing navigation and giving clear visual signals to lead consumers around the virtual store.

Third, we follow accessibility norms and standards, assuring connectivity with assistive technology. Finally, VOSMOS actively includes user feedback, constantly improving the platform to improve usability, address accessibility issues, and build and improve the customer experience.

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TechGraph: In terms of virtual stores, what unique advantages does the Metaverse offer compared to traditional e-commerce platforms? How does VOSMOS leverage these advantages to benefit both brands and consumers?

Piyush Gupta: When it comes to virtual stores, the Metaverse has certain advantages over traditional e-commerce platforms. To begin with, the Metaverse provides an immersive and interactive environment in which consumers may engage with products in a lifelike 3D setting. This provides a more realistic and engaging purchasing experience than standard product photographs and descriptions. Virtual storefronts in the Metaverse also allow customers to digitally ‘try’ products and services, see how they might look in real life, and interact with them in unique ways.

VOSMOS takes advantage of these benefits to benefit both brands and consumers. Brands can build dynamic and immersive brand experiences that foster stronger connections with consumers. Brands can display their products in interactive virtual settings, organize virtual events, and provide virtual services.

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TechGraph: One of the key aspects of shopping in physical stores is the ability to interact with products before purchasing. How does VOSMOS integrate interactive features into virtual stores to provide consumers with a similar experience?

Piyush Gupta: VOSMOS effortlessly integrates interactive elements into virtual stores, simulating interacting with products in physical stores. We use technology such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to give immersive and engaging experiences to customers. VOSMOS ensures the enhancement of customers’ virtual shopping experience. In today’s digital age, e-commerce platforms strive to enhance the online shopping experience. Several key features have emerged to bridge the gap between physical stores and virtual shopping.

3D product visualization allows customers to thoroughly examine products by rotating them, zooming in on specific features, and gaining a comprehensive understanding of their appearance. This immersive experience helps customers make more informed purchasing decisions. Virtual try-on enables customers to virtually try on clothes, accessories, or makeup products. By uploading their photos or using pre-existing models, shoppers can visualize how the items would look on them, eliminating the need for physical fitting rooms.

Product information and reviews provide customers with valuable insights, replicating the experience of reading product labels or seeking advice from sales associates in physical stores. Detailed descriptions, specifications, and customer reviews empower shoppers to make well-informed choices. Virtual assistants and live chat support, powered by AI chatbots, deliver real-time assistance to customers.

Shoppers can ask questions, seek recommendations, and receive personalized guidance, mirroring the experience of interacting with knowledgeable staff in physical stores. Interactive elements like videos, product demos, and quizzes engage customers, offering a hands-on experience that promotes active learning and deeper product understanding. These features empower shoppers to explore products more thoroughly and make confident purchase decisions.

TechGraph: Collaboration and partnerships play a vital role in creating a vibrant Metaverse ecosystem. Could you share any examples of collaborations VOSMOS has established with brands or other companies to enhance the virtual shopping experience?

Piyush Gupta: VOSMOS has established several collaborations and partnerships to enhance virtual shopping experiences for its customers. One significant partnership is with ReadyPlayer.me, a renowned avatar provider. Through this collaboration, VOSMOS allows shoppers to create personalized avatars that reflect their unique identities.

VOSMOS has also integrated Auglio’s state-of-the-art virtual try-on technology into its platform. This integration has revolutionized online shopping. Shoppers can virtually try on items such as apparel, accessories, and cosmetics, providing a realistic and interactive shopping experience.

To cater to a global audience and overcome language barriers, VOSMOS has collaborated with Interprefy, a leading provider of interpretation services for virtual events. This partnership enables VOSMOS to offer real-time interpretation services during virtual shopping events, allowing participants to communicate and engage in their preferred language.

These collaborations and partnerships demonstrate VOSMOS’ commitment to delivering exceptional experiences in the Metaverse by leveraging other companies’ expertise and integrating innovative technologies into their platform.

TechGraph: As with any emerging technology, there are challenges and limitations. What are some of the challenges VOSMOS has encountered in implementing Metaverse-based virtual stores, and how have you addressed or overcome them?

Piyush Gupta: VOSMOS has encountered the challenge of convincing customers to embrace Metaverse-based virtual stores. Given the novelty of this technology and the limited number of use cases in the market, many brands were initially hesitant to adopt it. To overcome this challenge, VOSMOS has implemented a two-fold approach.

Firstly, VOSMOS offers a free trial period of one month. This allows brands to experience the potential of their virtual store platform first-hand without any financial commitment. This hands-on experience has proven invaluable in winning over skeptics and showcasing virtual stores’ benefits. By providing a risk-free opportunity to explore the platform, VOSMOS can demonstrate its value and address any initial concerns.

Secondly, VOSMOS provides packaged solutions with integrated marketing services. By leveraging their in-house marketing expertise, they support brands in effectively promoting their virtual stores and driving customer engagement. This comprehensive approach alleviates concerns by providing brands with guidance and a clear roadmap for success in the Metaverse. By demonstrating the marketing support available, VOSMOS enables brands to confidently embrace the Metaverse as a viable and effective sales channel.

Through these strategies, VOSMOS addresses the challenge of customer adoption by providing hands-on experiences, tailored marketing solutions, and support to help brands navigate the Metaverse and realize its potential for their business.

TechGraph: Privacy and security are major concerns in the digital world. How does VOSMOS prioritize and ensure the protection of users’ personal information and transactions within the Metaverse?

Piyush Gupta: At VOSMOS, users’ personal information and transactions within the Metaverse are protected. To ensure privacy, we have implemented a comprehensive set of measures. One such measure is strong data encryption. This is where we employ SSL/TLS technology to encrypt sensitive user data during transit, ensuring its confidentiality. Furthermore, user data is securely stored in encrypted form within robust AWS data centers. These centers are equipped with multiple layers of physical and electronic security to safeguard against breaches.

We also prioritize strict access control, allowing only authorized personnel to access user data through stringent measures such as multi-factor authentication, access controls, and regular audits. To enhance privacy, we anonymize user data by removing personally identifiable information and protecting individuals’ identities.

In addition, we have implemented clear and concise privacy policies that elucidate how user data is collected, used, and protected. These policies are readily accessible and understandable by our users. Moreover, we obtain explicit user consent before collecting, processing, or sharing their data. We provide transparent information on data usage and grant users the freedom to opt in or opt out of data sharing.

Our commitment to privacy is an ongoing process that involves continuous monitoring, assessment, and improvement of our data protection measures. We take a proactive approach, regularly updating our policies and practices to remain at the forefront of emerging threats and evolving privacy regulations. At VOSMOS, protecting our users’ personal information within the Metaverse is our top priority.

TechGraph: The Metaverse is an ever-evolving concept with endless possibilities. How does VOSMOS envision the future of virtual stores and the role they will play in the broader Metaverse ecosystem?

Piyush Gupta: VOSMOS sees a future where virtual stores are important to the Metaverse ecosystem. We envision virtual stores to provide immersive and personalized purchasing experiences by merging e-commerce ease with the interactive character of real retail.

Virtual stores will be more than just transactional venues in the future. They will evolve into social centers, allowing customers to connect, share experiences, and seek advice from a worldwide community. Virtual events, exclusive experiences, and collaborations with brands and influencers will boost engagement and entertainment value in virtual stores even more.

VOSMOS also anticipates that online businesses will change in tandem with technological advancements. The convergence of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and Blockchain technology will significantly improve product visualization, customization, secure transactions, and supply chain transparency.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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