HomeFintechHow Technology Is Driving A New Face Of Corporate Insurance In India

How Technology Is Driving A New Face Of Corporate Insurance In India



In the face of relentless technological advancements, every industry must adapt to stay ahead of the curve, and the corporate insurance sector in India is no exception. As businesses across the country seek more personalized and comprehensive insurance coverage, technology is playing a vital role in driving innovation and transforming the insurance landscape.

Progressive insurance providers are transforming the insurance industry by moving away from conventional group insurance models and embracing a personalized approach that caters to the specific requirements of individual employees.

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By utilizing advanced technology and data analytics, these companies can offer comprehensive coverage options in areas such as Health, Life, and Motor insurance, all at a significantly reduced cost. This not only ensures peace of mind for employees but also enhances their satisfaction and loyalty, leading to the growth and prosperity of businesses throughout India.

In this article, let us explore how technology is driving a new face of corporate insurance in India, and how companies are leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and data-driven insights to stay ahead of the curve.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

While most employees may not have adequate knowledge about various insurance products, finding one that fits their needs can be a task. Many times, employees end up buying plans that they do not require. Thus, companies are integrating technology to help employees through artificial intelligence (AI), which is handholding them and guiding them to buy the most suitable insurance product. AI is also helping insurers with underwriting processes and risk detection before providing any insurance products to an employee.

Next-level Process Automation

As robotic process automation has received significant investment over the years, the emergence of new technologies is providing carriers with the opportunity to completely reconsider product modules and services. By leveraging the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), corporate insurance can now benefit from real-time equipment monitoring, enabling predictive maintenance measures to be implemented proactively, thereby preventing claims from occurring.

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Chatbots are more and more getting personalized, where they are not only sharing automated answers but can also reply in a human intelligence format, answering every employee’s specific questions. Chatbots are helping policyholders get information faster than before and providing insurers with specific information, which in turn helps insurance companies offer the most suitable insurance products to employees.

Granular Targeting

Through technology, insurance underwriting is becoming a continuous process rather than a point in time, both in the case of personal as well as corporate insurance. Innovative products are emerging to cater to changing consumer behaviors. Ecosystem-enabled data sharing is giving insurance companies greater access to granular information to support more specific pricing for employees in corporate insurance.

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Claims Processed Automatically

Technology transformation has led to efficiencies in its operations through AI, ML, and predictive analysis. Insurers have been able to decrease the time spent on “Policy writing” by swiftly processing claims through the convenience of a mobile app. Certain companies mandate that policyholders upload photographs showcasing the damages endured by their insured vehicles as part of the claim filing process. This approach significantly expedites the procedure when compared to traditional methods.

Ultimately, opting for a corporate insurance policy enhances the trustworthiness and reliability of any business. Companies should secure their employees through such policies and utilize technology to ease out the process both for organizations, insurance companies, and employees.


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Aftab Chaz
Aftab Chaz
Aftab Chaz, Associate Director & Business Head at Elephant.in.

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