HomeAIIn AI-Driven World: Edvancer CEO Aatash Shah On Tailored Tech Courses & Skilling Programs For Evolving Markets

In AI-Driven World: Edvancer CEO Aatash Shah On Tailored Tech Courses & Skilling Programs For Evolving Markets



Today, our editorial team sat down with Edvancer CEO and founder Aatash Shah for a wide-ranging interview. We discussed the role of personalized technology courses and skilling programs in today’s market landscape, and how Edvancer is integrating emerging technologies like automation and artificial intelligence (AI) into its curriculum to equip learners to seize new opportunities and contribute to the digital transformation.

Read the complete interview:

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TechGraph: How do you envision the role of technology courses and skilling programs in the current market landscape? What strategies has Edvancer implemented to stay ahead in this highly competitive field?

Aatash Shah: We view technology courses and skilling programs as pivotal in addressing the skills gap and empowering individuals to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving market. At Edvancer, we employ various strategies to maintain a competitive edge. These include closely monitoring market trends, collaborating with industry experts, and continuously updating our courses.

Recently, we partnered with Jolt to launch our new program “Tech Sales Program” for B2B Sales. These initiatives ensure that our learners gain relevant and practical knowledge, allowing us to stay at the forefront of this competitive field.

TechGraph: Edvancer offers a diverse range of technology courses and skill development programs. Could you elaborate on the key factors that contribute to their success? How does the company ensure the courses remain relevant and up to date with rapidly evolving technologies?

Aatash Shah: The success of our courses can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, we prioritize practical and industry-relevant content. Secondly, our experienced instructors stay informed about the latest technologies, ensuring our courses remain up to date.

For instance, our professor Lalit Sachan recently developed an AI-based audio and video tool that generates audio visuals without traditional shooting or production. Additionally, we maintain a strong feedback loop with learners and industry partners, incorporating their inputs to enhance our courses’ effectiveness and relevance.

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Aatash Shah: At Edvancer, we take a proactive approach to identifying emerging trends by closely monitoring the industry landscape, engaging with industry experts, and leveraging our extensive professional network. This allows us to stay ahead and align our course offerings with evolving industry needs.

For example, in response to the growing demand for data-driven decision-making, we have developed a specialized program, “Data Science for Managers,” to equip professionals with the necessary skills in data analytics and interpretation.

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To ensure high-quality training, we prioritize our instructors’ professional development. They undergo continuous upskilling to stay updated with the latest technologies, tools, and methodologies. We provide them with comprehensive resources, access to industry networks, and ongoing support to ensure they deliver cutting-edge and impactful training to our learners.

TechGraph: In today’s global market, the reach and accessibility of online learning platforms are crucial. Could you share insights into Edvancer’s marketing strategies to attract learners and expand its global presence? How does the company cater to diverse learner profiles and effectively communicate the value of its courses to different target audiences?

Aatash Shah: At Edvancer, we employ a multi-channel marketing approach encompassing targeted digital campaigns, organic promotion, and strategic partnerships with industry influencers. This enables us to attract learners and expand our global presence effectively.

To cater to diverse learner profiles, we personalize our communication strategies. We tailor our messaging and content to highlight the specific value and benefits of our courses to different target audiences. By understanding the unique needs and aspirations of learners from various backgrounds, we can effectively communicate how our courses can help them achieve their goals.

TechGraph: Collaborations and partnerships can be instrumental in providing comprehensive training solutions. Can you highlight any key partnerships Edvancer has established? How have these alliances contributed to the growth and success of the company’s technology courses and skilling programs?

Aatash Shah: Edvancer has critical partnerships with esteemed institutions such as IIT Kanpur, IBM, Jolt, and Coursera, among others. These alliances play a significant role in enhancing our course offerings by granting us access to cutting-edge technologies, valuable industry insights, and guidance from industry experts.

By collaborating with such esteemed partners, we can design comprehensive and industry-aligned training solutions, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of our technology courses and skilling programs.

TechGraph: With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, some experts predict potential job displacement. How does Edvancer address this concern and ensure that its technology courses empower learners with the necessary skills to navigate the changing job market and seize new opportunities?

Aatash Shah: We address this concern by teaching adaptable and future-proof skills. Our courses emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, enabling learners to navigate the changing job market with confidence.

We integrate emerging technologies like automation and artificial intelligence into our curriculum, ensuring learners gain the necessary skills to seize new opportunities and contribute to digital transformation.

TechGraph: As Edvancer’s CEO, what strategies do you employ to foster long-term relationships with corporate clients, and how does the company customize its courses to meet their specific needs?

Aatash Shah: To foster long-term relationships with corporate clients, we prioritize understanding their specific needs and goals. We offer customized courses tailored to their requirements, incorporating real-world scenarios and challenges. Regular communication and feedback loops ensure that we address their evolving needs and provide ongoing support throughout the learning journey.

TechGraph: Looking ahead, what are Edvancer’s future and ambitions in terms of expanding its portfolio of technology courses and skilling programs? How do you envision the company contributing to bridging the global skills gap?

Aatash Shah: In the future, Edvancer plans to expand its portfolio of technology courses and skilling programs. We aim to introduce new programs in emerging technologies, data science, and artificial intelligence.

We envision contributing to bridging the global skills gap by forging more partnerships and collaborations, developing innovative learning solutions, and reaching out to diverse communities to provide equal access to quality education. Our goal is to empower individuals worldwide with the necessary skills to excel in the digital age.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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