The Government of Maharashtra on Friday said, "It has fixed the price of Remdesivir injection at Rs 2,360 apiece."
Addressing the press on the COVID-19...
Geneva/Guwahati: One more Indian journalist falls prey to the Covid-19 pandemic as Noida based scribe Pankaj Shukla breathed his last on 20 November 2020....
The Ministry of Health on Monday said, "Delhi has recorded 7,745 COVID-19 cases in 24 hours."
Briefing the press on COVID-19, the Ministry said, "Followed...
Shaktikanta Das, Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Saturday said that It has tested negative for COVID-19.
Confirming the news on Twitter, Shaktikanta...
During the virtual press meeting on Monday, World Health Organization's (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, "As too many countries are headed in the...
China's foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Friday says, "There is no evidence indicating that the coronavirus was originated in a lab in the...
As an unprecedented lockdown continues in India, the newspaper groups face an uphill task to maintain its devoted readership.
The complete shutdown, to continue till...
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sharpened on March 24 his criticism of China's handling of a coronavirus pandemic, saying its ruling Communist Party...
US President Donald Trump has said, "Calling them 'Chinese Virus' is very accurate."
Addressing the Press Conference at the White House, the President said, "China,...