HomeInsideHelping the Indian Youth to Upskill Through Tech Bootcamps

Helping the Indian Youth to Upskill Through Tech Bootcamps



The Indian talent landscape is experiencing significant changes driven by shifts in the world economy, advancements in technology, and evolving workforce preferences. While more young people choose software engineering for their career, there is still a scarcity of skilled professionals, intense competition for top talent, and a need for upskilling and reskilling – all these while investing a lot to retain current employees.

In the last few quarters, the job market has been very unstable and as a result, many employees are on job-search platforms, such as LinkedIn and Naukri, looking for their next opportunity. Some recruitment agencies even saw an influx of 50 CVs from tech sector professionals compared to around five per week just a month ago. The heightened competition has made securing a tech job a challenging endeavor.

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At the same time, tech industry recruitment has seen a significant uptick over the last six months. Recent surveys suggest that leading Indian IT companies are preparing to onboard around 50,000 new graduates across a range of positions spanning both IT and non-IT fields. While India is home to global tech talent, there is a noticeable shortage of high-tech skills.

The skills gap

The foremost challenge confronting our nation’s youth today is the need to remain competitive. It is a stark departure from previous times when credentials and formal degrees often took precedence.

The rapidly evolving employment landscape has ushered in a transformative shift in the way companies assess and value potential employees. Rather than relying solely on qualifications on paper, today’s employers prioritize competence and practical skills.

However, India could face a shortage of 14-19 lakh techies by 2026 according to a NASSCOM-Zinnov report. The report also found that despite preparing 21.4 lakh STEM graduates annually, the proportion of digital skills is less than one percent.

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To develop practical skills and stay competitive, students need to look at new educational opportunities that can help jumpstart a successful career in the tech industry.

The role of technology boot camps and tech platforms

In India, the burgeoning technology bootcamp market presents opportunities for students to acquire practical skills. With hackathons, coding contests, and other skill-enhancing events, they encourage students to actively solve problems, improve their analytical skills, and adopt various approaches to problem-solving.

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The focus is on hands-on learning and tackling real-world problems. Diverse in their offerings, they include coding, data science, UX design, data analytics, cybersecurity, cloud security, and digital marketing bootcamps.

What makes bootcamps invaluable is the access to professionals who are masters in their domains. That way, students receive top-notch guidance and mentorship throughout their learning program.

In addition, the curriculum is continuously updated to keep pace with the ever-evolving tech landscape, allowing students to learn the latest tools, techniques, and technologies used by industry giants, positioning them as competitive professionals. Every lesson is focused on a specific subject, often accompanied by practical homework assignments. Each module culminates in a real-world project, providing hands-on coding experience that is invaluable in today’s job market. All this helps young people develop the much-needed skills for landing a good job in the tech industry.

Tech bootcamps aren’t enough to prepare the next generation of tech professionals

Industry leaders, academic institutions, and government bodies must collaborate closely to identify the specific skills that are in demand and ensure that the educational system aligns with these requirements. The synergy will help tailor education to meet the dynamic needs of the job market.

A fundamental shift in the education system is needed, where skill development is not viewed as an add-on but an integral part of the college curriculum. It would involve designing educational programs that incorporate skill development alongside traditional academics. The National Education Policy 2020 advocates those standalone institutions in agriculture, legal, health science and technical fields must evolve into multi-disciplinary institutions by 2030.

Undergraduate technical education must include areas, such as Artificial Intelligence, 3D Manufacturing, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning, cloud technology, and Security, in addition to regular studies for enhancing the employability of the Indian youth.

In conclusion, bootcamps can play a pivotal role in helping young tech professionals develop practical skills and can also promote a mindset shift towards skill-based learning. Students should leverage these opportunities to excel early in their careers and embrace a life-learning approach, reach new heights in the tech industry.


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Srikanth Reddy
Srikanth Reddy
Srikanth Reddy, Talent Acquisition Manager, Progress.

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