HomeAI"Big Data and AI will be crucial in the analytics network," says Anil Kumar, VP of Aays Analytics

“Big Data and AI will be crucial in the analytics network,” says Anil Kumar, VP of Aays Analytics



Speaking to TechGraph, Anil Kumar, Vice President of Aays Analytics said, “AI, ML, and Data Science are becoming increasingly relevant across the analytics network, as they offer several advantages to businesses.”

Read the complete interview:

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TechGraph: How is Aays Analytics utilizing its sectoral expertise and digitalization to provide data-centric research and analytics services for its clients?

Anil Kumar: Context is critical for insights. At Aays, we understand this and use our cross-sectional knowledge of various industries, functions, systems, and technologies to maximize data project returns. Our expertise in sectors such as CPG and automotive, and functions like finance, marketing, and supply chain helps us deliver a high success rate on data projects. This is significantly higher than the industry average of 15%.

We also leverage our knowledge of systems such as SAP and other ERP systems, and cutting-edge technologies like AI, Big Data, and the cloud to provide the most effective data solutions. This ensures that our clients have access to the latest tools and techniques and that their data projects are always at the forefront of technological advancements.

In addition, we invest in our culture and people to thrive in this complex ecosystem. As a team of experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds, we focus on functional expertise and collaborate with business and functional stakeholders. We develop analytics projects with functional relevance. This investment in our people and culture translates into powerful insights for our clients. This helps them capitalize on emerging opportunities and address business threats.

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TechGraph: How is the response so far for your Analytics Consulting Services?

Anil Kumar: Our analytics consulting services have consistently received a positive response, and we are thrilled about this accomplishment. We specialize in resolving the most intricate business challenges encountered by Fortune 1000 and fast-growing companies worldwide.

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As the needs of our clients continue to evolve, we remain committed to adapting and establishing new priorities to deliver exceptional services. This year, our objective is to carve out a niche in CPG analytics and mobility analytics.

To accomplish this objective, we have recently extended our presence to the APAC region after establishing a foothold in the European market. We plan to maintain this momentum by broadening our services to attract new clients from around the world.

TechGraph: How is Aays Analytics leveraging technology to enhance the customer experience?

Anil Kumar: At Aays, we leverage the power of data, analytics, and AI/ML to enhance our client’s business operations, particularly in areas such as supply chain management, finance transformation, and more.

Our data-driven approach delivers valuable insights to businesses on how to optimize inventory levels, financial forecasting, customer overdue, cash flow, vendor payment terms, and identifying high-risk customers, which ultimately leads to a robust supply chain, additional income streams, cost reduction, increased profitability, and better financial performance.

By implementing advanced analytics, we help enterprises improve their market resilience by providing insights to quickly adapt to changing market conditions. In addition, our clients benefit from improved process and people efficiencies, leading to reduced costs and increased efficiencies for their businesses.

As we implement technology to benefit our clients, we also monitor organizational transformations. We do this by tracking progress and making necessary adjustments to ensure the transformation process remains effective.

TechGraph: How do you see technologies namely AI, ML, and Data Science, with regard to their relevance across the analytics network? What does the future look like?

Anil Kumar: AI, ML, and Data Science are becoming increasingly relevant across the analytics network, as they offer several advantages to businesses. One of the key benefits of these technologies is that they automate repetitive and low-value work, freeing up human resources to focus on high-value and strategic activities. This can significantly improve efficiency and productivity while reducing organization costs.

One significant benefit of AI, ML, and Data Science is their ability to enable hyper-targeting. Through analyzing extensive data, these technologies offer valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Businesses can utilize them to provide personalized and precisely targeted services. This improves customer satisfaction and retention while creating new revenue streams for businesses.

Furthermore, these technologies can also augment humans so that humans can deliver services at higher efficiency. AI, ML, and Data Science can help human decision-making by providing real-time data analysis, predictive modeling, and other valuable insights. This helps businesses make data-driven decisions more quickly and accurately, ultimately leading to better business outcomes.

In the future, AI, ML, and Data Science are expected to play an increasingly vital role in the analytics network. As businesses continue to generate vast amounts of data, advanced analytics will become more critical to providing valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and business operations. Professionals who develop and implement advanced analytics tools and models will become strategic assets for firms.

TechGraph: What are the new trends in the data analytics industry?

Anil Kumar: The data analytics industry is constantly evolving, and it witnesses several emerging trends. One of the most significant trends is utilizing data analytics to create additional revenue streams for businesses.

This involves analyzing cross-functional data to gain insights that can improve cash flow, optimize payment terms, identify overstocking or understocking inventory levels, and reduce customer overdue.

By using data analytics, businesses can also identify patterns in customer behavior and preferences. This allows them to develop products and services that meet their customers’ specific needs. This can collectively lead to additional revenue streams and cost reductions.

Another trend in the data analytics industry is the focus on improving productivity in organizations. Over the past few years, technology has not been developed with a strong focus on productivity. However, data analytics has the potential to increase productivity on a fundamental level. By analyzing data from various sources, businesses can identify areas to improve efficiency and streamline processes.

Lastly, augmented analytics is another prominent trend in the data analytics industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can automate tasks and take on smaller tasks from our business projects, allowing humans to focus on strategically articulating the entire project. This can help businesses make better decisions, improve business efficiency and achieve better outcomes.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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