HomeFinanceStriking Against Ads Fraud: Arpit Jain Of GreedyGame On Seizing Opportunities in Mobile Advertising

Striking Against Ads Fraud: Arpit Jain Of GreedyGame On Seizing Opportunities in Mobile Advertising



Speaking to TechGraph, GreedyGame’s Founder & CEO, Arpit Jain spoke about the challenges and opportunities faced by mobile advertising companies in the current online advertisement market, and how it is effectively tackling ad fraud.

Read the complete interview:

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TechGraph: What do you see as the main challenges and opportunities for mobile advertising companies in the current market, and how is GreedyGame addressing them?

Arpit Jain: In the current market, mobile advertising companies face both significant challenges and promising opportunities. Let’s delve into the main factors affecting the industry and how GreedyGame is effectively addressing them.

Ad Fraud and Brand Safety: Ad fraud and brand safety concerns continue to plague the mobile advertising industry. Fraudulent practices such as impression and click fraud result in wasted ad budgets and undermine trust between advertisers and publishers. GreedyGame employs advanced fraud detection algorithms and partners with leading verification providers to ensure a secure and transparent advertising ecosystem. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, GreedyGame mitigates ad fraud risks, protecting advertisers’ investments and publishers’ reputations.

Targeting and Personalization: Effective targeting and personalized advertising are crucial for maximizing ad relevance and engagement. However, privacy regulations and the phasing out of third-party cookies present challenges to traditional targeting methods. The transition to a cookie-less world has huge implications because it will limit the amount of data companies collect on their users, making it harder to deliver targeted ads. Mobile advertising companies need new solutions and alternatives to cookies to maintain targeted advertising and effective measurement.

Monetization Diversification: Relying solely on traditional ad formats may limit the revenue potential for app publishers. Mobile advertising companies need alternative monetization models. GreedyGame understands this need and offers innovative solutions such as Interstitials, Reward Widgets, and Offerwall ads. These diversified monetization options allow publishers to unlock new revenue streams while maintaining a positive user experience.

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Future-proofing and Emerging Technologies: The mobile advertising industry must adapt to the evolving technological landscape. With the emergence of technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), there are immense opportunities for immersive and interactive ad experiences. GreedyGame keeps a close eye on these developments and actively explores partnerships and integrations with emerging platforms. By embracing the latest technologies, GreedyGame ensures that app publishers and advertisers can leverage the latest trends in mobile advertising. This will enable them to stay ahead of the curve.

5G and penetration of smartphones: The global mobile user count, as reported by Statista, reached 7.1 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to rise to 7.49 billion by 2025. With the emergence of 5G technology, the advertising landscape is poised for a significant transformation in delivery speed. 5G will reduce ad refresh rates, resulting in increased ad request and response rates, ultimately resulting in a higher fill rate.

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Overall, we understand the challenges and opportunities faced by mobile advertising companies in the current market. By prioritizing user experience, combating ad fraud, providing personalized targeting, diversifying monetization options, and embracing emerging technologies, GreedyGame effectively addresses these dimensions. With GreedyGame as a partner, app publishers can unlock their full monetization potential and deliver engaging ad experiences to their users.

TechGraph: How does GreedyGame differentiate itself from other mobile advertising companies, and what is its unique value proposition for publishers and advertisers?

Arpit Jain: GreedyGame differentiates itself by providing an integrated platform ‘PubScale’ that covers monetization, mediation, user acquisition, and data-driven insights. It addresses publishers’ key challenges, such as lack of expertise in marketing and monetization management. It also addresses access demands from different tiers, and resource limitations, among many others. Our unique value proposition lies in offering a comprehensive solution for apps & websites. This allows them to focus on development while GreedyGame takes care of business growth.

We aim to empower all sizes of publishers and advertisers (small to medium). We recognize that many app/website publishers struggle with monetizing their apps or gaining traction, which is where PubScale comes in. As a SaaS platform, PubScale assists publishers and advertisers with their marketing, monetization, and data requirements. We are enthusiastic about enabling app and website publishers to construct things automatically.

The platform includes four primary products: AdX, SDK X, GROW, and INSIGHTS. AdX establishes connections between publishers and premium advertisers, offering high-quality ads from Google’s premium demand network and other industry leaders. SDK X optimizes ads specifically for app publishers, enhancing performance and revenue through A/B testing and format mediation. GROW focuses on user engagement and acquisition, enabling publishers to expand their user base. Lastly, INSIGHTS provides publishers with valuable analytics and insights for data-driven decision-making.

TechGraph: How does GreedyGame ensure that its ad formats are user-friendly and non-intrusive, while still being effective for advertisers and publishers?

Arpit Jain: GreedyGame focuses on providing user-friendly and non-intrusive ad formats by integrating ads seamlessly into the user experience. We carefully analyze the app’s content and context and ensure that ads appear in natural, non-disruptive positions without hindering users’ interaction.

Also, we leverage native advertising techniques to create ad formats that blend harmoniously with the app environment. Native ads match the look, feel, and behavior of the surrounding content and make ads less intrusive and more engaging. Additionally, we analyze user data based on their behavior, preferences, and demographics. We ensure that users are shown ads that align with their interests, making the advertising experience more personalized and relatable for them.

TechGraph: How does GreedyGame leverage technology and data analytics to optimize ad targeting and maximize user engagement?

Arpit Jain: GreedyGame harnesses the power of technology and data analytics to provide publishers with the tools they need to effectively reach their desired audiences and deliver seamless, engaging experiences to users. Our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technologies enable us to optimize ad targeting, ensuring maximum impact.

Among our offerings, INSIGHTS stands out as a valuable product that equips publishers with essential analytics and insights. By leveraging this tool, publishers can make informed, data-driven decisions. By tracking metrics such as Lifetime Value (LTV) and Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS), publishers gain a comprehensive understanding of their performance and can take necessary actions to enhance their outcomes.

TechGraph: In your opinion, what are the most important trends or developments in the app and website publishing industry right now? How is GreedyGame adapting to these changes?

Arpit Jain: A notable trend in the app and website publishing industry involves the elimination of cookies. This is a development that has unfolded within the adtech sector in recent years. Traditionally, cookies have served as a valuable means of gathering targeting information for advertisers. However, as Google gradually phases out cookies, there is a growing demand for alternative approaches to identify the appropriate users and present pertinent advertisements, while withholding user privacy.

Another notable trend is budget reallocation by advertisers, particularly in tier-one geographies outside India. Many advertisers are pulling back their budgets, which affects publishers worldwide.

This trend is expected to continue for 6 to 12 months. As a result, publishers are focusing more on increasing the value of their existing users and leveraging different tools to optimize user engagement. Also, publishers are increasingly diversifying their platforms beyond Google. While Google has traditionally been a dominant force in the industry, publishers are exploring alternative platforms to reach their target audience and reduce dependency on a single provider.

GreedyGame recognizes the importance of these trends and adapts to the changing landscape. We have a dedicated team who continuously explores the latest technologies and trends, and they work on developing and testing innovative solutions for our in-house products. Additionally, GreedyGame has established partnerships with leading adtech companies. These collaborations allow us to leverage their expertise and insights, further enhancing our ability to adapt and deliver effective solutions to our clients.

Arpit Jain: Adtech is fast changing and evolving in response to current needs. We also see new and emerging trends. For instance, generative AI has made tremendous strides in the industry. Generative AI creates new content like text, audio, video, simulations, and more based on existing data. This can capture user attention easily.

Generative AI has been used extensively in adtech for predictive modeling and real-time optimization. Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) can use generative AI to determine winning bids or optimize campaigns and Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) can utilize it to organize their data and tags.

Concerns about data privacy have grown greatly in recent times. Adtech companies ensure user privacy by working with various regulations in their respective countries that enforce data protection. They also simplify data flows, improve transparency, and provide a solid legal foundation. Adtech companies are also looking at alternative methods to collect and store data. This includes AI-based solutions and programmatic cloud-based platforms.

Another increasing trend is in-app header bidding. Header bidding is a programmatic advertising technique used on websites and entering mobile apps. In-app header bidding allows multiple demand sources to compete for ad impressions simultaneously, resulting in increased competition, higher fill rates, and potentially higher revenue for publishers.

Last but not least are ad-blocking solutions, which are becoming more prevalent, challenging the traditional mobile advertising ecosystem. To address this, innovations like Acceptable Ads programs and native advertising formats that blend seamlessly with the app’s content are being explored to improve user experience and reduce ad-blocking rates.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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