India Congress lead opposition coalition also known as the INDIA bloc, has formally submitted a notice seeking the removal of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, who also serves as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. The move comes amid allegations of partisan conduct in his capacity as the upper house’s presiding officer.
Accusations of Partisanship
Congress President and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge addressed the media on Wednesday, elaborating on the INDIA bloc’s decision to file a no-confidence motion against Dhankhar. Describing the issue as “sensitive,” Kharge stated that the opposition felt compelled to act due to what they perceived as biased behavior by the Vice President.
“His behavior has damaged the dignity of the country,” Kharge asserted. “He has created a situation in the history of our parliamentary democracy that left us with no option but to bring this notice for a resolution of no confidence. We harbor no personal enmity or political rivalry with him. Our actions are solely aimed at safeguarding democracy and upholding the Constitution after much deliberation.”
Broad Opposition Support
The no-confidence motion, drafted by senior parliamentarians Abhishek Singhvi and K T S Tulsi, has gained the backing of a wide coalition of opposition parties, including the Congress, TMC, DMK, CPM, CPI, RJD, AAP, TRS, SP, IUML, and Kerala Congress (M). This united stand highlights the growing discontent among opposition parties regarding the Chairman’s conduct.
A Rare Moment in Parliamentary History
The decision to move a no-confidence motion against the Vice President in his role as Rajya Sabha Chairman is a rare occurrence in Indian politics. It underscores what the opposition views as a worrying trend of diminishing neutrality in key constitutional roles.
Role of the Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman
As Vice President, Jagdeep Dhankhar holds a crucial position in India’s parliamentary system. Additionally, his role as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha entails overseeing the proceedings of the upper house, ensuring that debates and legislative processes are conducted impartially and efficiently.
Accusations of partisanship in this role are serious, as they strike at the heart of parliamentary democracy and the fair functioning of legislative bodies.
Next Steps
Following the notice’s submission, the motion for no confidence will be debated in the Rajya Sabha. If the opposition secures the required majority, Dhankhar could be removed.
However, such motions are rare and require substantial support to succeed, given the procedural safeguards in place to protect the integrity of parliamentary roles.