
Topics: EU

#BrexitDeal : British MP’s to hold votes on various Brexit options

British MPs will on Wednesday hold votes on various Brexit options even as Prime Minister Theresa May comes under pressure to announce a departure...

#Brexit: Theresa May’s EU divorce bill falls for the third time

UK Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday admitted that she did not have enough support to get her EU divorce bill through the House...

#Brexit : Theresa May calls European divorce deal for the third time, Reports Cabinet plots to topple her

British Prime Minister Theresa May held crisis talks with senior colleagues and hardline Brexiteers on Sunday trying to breathe life into her twice-defeated European...
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Google’s Czech rival wants details of Android smartphone users

Czech search engine Seznam urged Google to disclose more details about its plan to boost rival search apps in Android smartphones, saying it continued...

Wall Street dips after the global economic slowdown report

Wall Street stocks sold off sharply on Friday, with all three major US stock indexes posting their biggest one-day percentage declines since Jan. 3,...

Conservative Party’s Chairman: the UK won’t accept Brexit deal that puts the EU on risk

Britain cannot accept an EU proposal to break the deadlock in the Brexit talks because it would threaten the unity of the United Kingdom...
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Huawei urges governments and telecom industries to work together to create common sets for cybersecurity standards

Huawei, in the spotlight over the security risks of its telecom equipment gear, urged governments, the telecoms industry, and regulators on Tuesday to work...

Airbus CEO urges Germany to reform arms policy for good Europe

Airbus Chief Executive Tom Enders urged Germany to press ahead with plans to create common European regulations on arms exports, saying the issue posed...

Economists say, Britain’s economy to make a moderate post-Brexit recovery if deal agreed

Britain's economy will barely grow in the run-up to Brexit amid concern the UK will leave the European Union without an agreement, but if...
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European Union is ready to discuss new Brexit if UK changes its ‘Red lines’

The European Union told Britain it could have a different kind of Brexit deal after its parliament overwhelmingly rejected the one negotiated by Prime...
