HomeOpinionsSkyrocket to Cloud Nine: Why Embracing Cloud Migration is Crucial for Business Growth?

Skyrocket to Cloud Nine: Why Embracing Cloud Migration is Crucial for Business Growth?



Migrating to the cloud can significantly boost the proactive and reactive competencies of firms while helping them align more effectively with fast-changing business environments.

Cloud networks are quickly rising the popularity ladder and becoming the preferred strategy of organizations to remain competitive amidst the fast-changing business environment. Migrating to cloud networks not only offers desired scalability and flexibility but also presents a very cost-effective way to optimize efficiency and secure databases. No wonder, cloud migration is today counted among the game-changing solutions businesses can rely on to achieve the next level of growth and profitability.

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Cloud Migration: Transformative Potential

From automobiles, FMCG, and consumer electronics to healthcare and Real Estate, companies are going all out to embrace cloud networks with a fervor that has never been seen before. In fact, Gartner’s research predicts that 95% of the total workloads by 2025 will be hosted on cloud networks, up from the 30% that was recorded in 2021.

The expanding availability of cloud platforms along with their amazing capabilities to scale and adapt in real-time are fuelling their popularity across business verticals. These platforms are also accelerating the faster development and deployment of new tools, apps, and programs in response to the ever-changing demands of the target markets.

The cloud migration also provides opportunities for every organization to modernize their applications (e-g: UI rewrite and moving from monolithic to microservices architecture, implementing Big data and Machine Learning, moving to databases such as NoSQL, Graph, Cloud, etc) as the cloud platform enables faster development and deployment. Examples of Airbnb and Netflix are noteworthy examples as both these companies have made the most of cloud capabilities and optimized their propositions to offer superior customer experiences.

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Benefits of Cloud Migration

High Availability: Counted among the foremost strengths, the feature of high availability in cloud networks is achieved through distributed architecture and automated switching mechanisms. Cloud networks can easily deploy resources across geographies and by creating redundant servers, these equip organizations to handle unexpected failure or shutdown by automatically switching to backup servers. This means the organization can continue to work without any disruption even in the case of hardware failure, maintenance schedule, and any other unforeseeable disruptions.

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Scalability and Flexibility: Cloud networks can be easily scaled to meet seasonal demands, increased traffic flows, new product launches, and many more such requirements. These scaling capabilities prove very helpful in expanding the customer base and staying ahead of the competition by meeting both the current and potential demands of buyers. The range of services offered by cloud networks is also quite exhaustive which means companies get enough headroom to ideate, develop, test, and deploy new tools, services, and features to better serve their customers.

Enhanced Data Safety and Security: According to Oracle’s report on Artificial Intelligence (AI), 6 CXOs out of 10 said that the use of cloud computing has enhanced the overall safety and security of their data and networks. As cloud migration enhances the level of automation significantly, the likelihood of data breaches originating from human errors reduces comprehensively.

Further, cloud security comes equipped with advanced firewalls, encryption protocols, and intrusion detection systems, all of which come together to offer safe and secure data transmission within and across stakeholders in the business ecosystem. These tools also complement the backup servers of cloud networks spread across geographies and make sure that data remain accessible even in case of an eventuality.

Cost-effectiveness: A report by the leading consultancy organization BCG found that migration to the cloud can save organizations save up to 40% on their infrastructure cost and even more in the case of others. In stark contrast to the heavy investment required for making on-premises arrangements, the pay-per-use model of cloud networks allows organizations to make judicious and flexible use of available resources.

This also eliminates the need to make large investments upfront and frees the resources to be utilized in the other strategic initiatives. Cloud migration also reduces the maintenance cost dramatically as service providers take the responsibility for securing network infrastructures, implementing security patches, and meeting operational requirements among others.

Cloud migration has the potential to completely transform the fortunes of organizations across product categories and service domains. The migration offers multifaceted benefits and by enabling firms to quickly ideate, develop, and deploy new capabilities, the process can prove instrumental in achieving higher levels of functional effectiveness and operational efficiency.

The migration of the cloud also results in considerable cost savings for firms and helps them to use the resources in a strategically insightful manner. Further, the scaleable, flexible, and secure characteristics of cloud networks make them the preferred partner for organizations that want to stay relevant in their industries in the long run.


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Karunakaran Palaniswamy
Karunakaran Palaniswamy
Karunakaran Palaniswamy, Senior Director - Delivery & Technology, MSys Technologies.

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