HomeEducationInterview: "Blockchain is a new age business disruptor," Says Arun Meena of RHA Technologies

Interview: “Blockchain is a new age business disruptor,” Says Arun Meena of RHA Technologies



In an interview with TechGraph, Arun Meena Founder & CEO of RHA Technologies said, “Blockchain is a new age business disruptor. It is a digital, immutable, distributed ledger that chronologically records transactions in near real-time, thereby creating a continuous mechanism of control regarding manipulation, errors, and data quality.”

Here is full expect:

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TechGraph: Can you tell our readers more about RHA Technologies?

Arun Meena: RHA Technologies is a unique consulting and technology partner to SMEs and start-ups. We provide seamless technology solutions and services to help organizations innovate and realize their business goals. We help organizations become more innovative, competitive, and differentiated by designing, developing, and implementing successful digital transformation and adoption journey.

RHA Technologies provide a full suite of solutions and services to help clients accelerate and innovate using technologies like Digitalization, Cloud, Analytics, and IoT. We use both core and NextGen services to reinvent and shape the customer experience.

RHA Technologies partners with companies and start-ups worldwide to provide technology consulting, digital transformation, and technology services and solutions to help organizations innovate, differentiate, and realize their business goals.

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RHA Technologies team’s experience with multiple organizations including Global MNC clients across product development and solution management, AI, ML, etc. in Education, Real Estate, BFSI, Media & Entertainment, Social Media, and new-age businesses, brings unparalleled expertise to clients.

TechGraph: What industry challenges you have observed that motivated you to jump into this space?

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Arun Meena: Start-ups and SMEs‘ technology challenges are well documented and yet they are not well addressed. These include:

•    Constant evolving technologies: digital technologies keep evolving. This dynamic nature also puts a lot of pressure in terms of updating the software solution.

•    Lack of funds, as SMEs, work on tight cost and margins; therefore, investment in digital transformation and adoption becomes a low priority

•    Lack of Technology Agnostic approach – most of the time inhouse team and technology providers limits the solution to what the team knows without looking at the broader possibilities

•    Lack of IT skills inhouse and most SMEs face difficulty in identifying and hiring the right candidates

•    Digitalisation vs Digital Transformation: digitalization happens when custom solutions are incorporated that only replicate the existing way of working without providing benefits of digital transformation that would unleash the inherent power of best practices

•    Business continuity risk due to lack of knowledge of data storage, backup, and protection, therefore, high risk of losing business-critical data

Most solution providers in the market either provide enterprise-grade solutions that have their associated costs and complexity; or they provide patchwork solutions that hamper the organization’s future ability to scale.

The opportunity that we are addressing for startups and SMEs is one that allows them to compete with the biggest while having a low impact on their finances and management bandwidth. 

TechGraph: What, according to you is the scope of technology and blockchain business in the Indian market?

Arun Meena: Blockchain is a new age business disruptor. It is a digital, immutable, distributed ledger that chronologically records transactions in near real-time, thereby creating a continuous mechanism of control regarding manipulation, errors, and data quality.

It started as the technology behind bitcoin but today various enterprises and start-ups have started experimenting with Blockchain to transform multiple industries to make processes more secure, transparent, and increase accountability and auditability. 

As Blockchain technology is still in a nascent stage, CTOs and business users are still struggling to identify and justify the business case for Blockchain. Industries like telecom, healthcare, hospitality, supply chain, and various other sectors are still exploring blockchain use cases, which can positively disrupt their existing business models.

We believe that Blockchain has a lot of potentials even outside the financial services industry in sectors like FMCG, healthcare, life sciences, or any other industry where material exchanges a lot from one user to another. 

Some of the uses cases for Blockchain:

1.    Contract management 

2.    Digital Identity Management

3.    Property agreements and Land Registry

4.    Warranty Receipts

5.    Medical Records / Patient Record Management

6.    Claim Processing

7.    Supply Chain – Pharma, FMCG, and Waste Management

Blockchain is still at a nascent stage where almost all the implantations are at the POC stage, but we believe that Blockchain has the potential to redefine the processes across businesses.

TechGraph: Could you please walk us through RHA Technologies’ unique product offerings?

Arun Meena: Our focus is to use a robust and holistic approach to address our clients’ needs and solve their business problems. Our aim to provide a solution to our client using our technology-agnostic approach. 

RHA Technologies works with clients to fructify their business goals. We ensure that the clients’ technology roadmap helps them: 

•    Reach more potential customers and retain and grow existing customers

•    Provide better and unique service to customers

•    Use customer demand to guide the business better

•    Streamline and improve operations and processes, reducing costs and maximizing profits

•    Use technology as a differentiator from other competitors

RHA Technologies for the first time in India also enables the unique trust-dependent outsourced tech co-founder offering for startups and SMEs. 

The organization provides empathetic and synergistic technology consulting, digital transformation, and technology services and solutions to the founders of start-ups and SMEs worldwide. 

Thus, enabling the client organizations to realize and strengthen their innovation, differentiation, valuation, and market offering.

The result is better valuation, easier funding, and faster business success. This is the advantage RHA Technologies brings to all start-ups and SMEs.

TechGraph: Lastly, at the time of crisis, there have also been opportunities for change. Are you optimistic about the post-COVID-19 world?

Arun Meena: We believe that Covid-19 has disrupted almost every industry globally and has opened a plethora of opportunities for change. It has enforced the need for societies to digitalize and has drastically reduced the time for digital adoption for both individuals and organizations. We will see the rapid adoption of telehealth, online education (Live and On-demand), data-driven decision-making, and other mobile technologies in the coming years.

The Covid-19 has shown us the underlying gaps in our processes, and decision making, which brings a lot of opportunities for the technology providers to partner with business and solves these problems through various Next Gen Technologies.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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