HomeEducationAI-Driven Inclusive Learning: Talgro CEO Jagmohan Bhanver On Adoption Of LMS & LXP In India's Education System

AI-Driven Inclusive Learning: Talgro CEO Jagmohan Bhanver On Adoption Of LMS & LXP In India’s Education System



Speaking to TechGraph’s editorial team, Jagmohan Bhanver, Founder & CEO at Talgro spoke about the growing demand for Learning Management Systems (LMS) in India’s educational sector, as well as how Talgro’s LMS-LXP integrates AI and ML to provide personalized learning experiences for students and educators based on real-time data, and feedback.

Read the complete interview:

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TechGraph: Can you provide an overview of the current state of Learning Management Systems (LMS) adoption in India? How has the landscape evolved over the past few years?

Jagmohan Bhanver: LMS adoption in India has surged due to the growing demand for online education. The landscape has shifted from traditional classroom setups to hybrid or fully online models. Factors include increased internet access, the need for personalized learning, and the pandemic accelerating digital adoption. This has prompted educational institutions (K12 and higher education) as well as organizations to integrate LMS for efficient content delivery, assessment, and collaboration.

TechGraph: Talgro has been a prominent player in the LMS domain in India. Could you elaborate on the unique features or approaches that set Talgro’s LMS apart from other solutions?

Jagmohan Bhanver: As a product, the LMS has historically been a static system, in the sense that it serves more as a repository of information related to an organization’s learning history. In the current context, that limits the scope of the LMS. An LMS typically lacks the dynamism of an LXP (Learner Experience platform) whereas a LXP falls short of some of the core functionalities of a LMS.

We started building the Talgro LMS-LXP six years ago with the intent of blending the best of both an LMS and an LXP. We kept the Learner at the center of the proposition. At the same time, we designed the product to make it a highly analytical and predictive tool in the hands of the organization.

The Talgro LMS-LXP is an AI and Machine learning-driven product with several ‘firsts’ to its credit. This includes: SCORM compliance, Automatic Personalized Learning paths, Gamification, Deep Analytics that provide real-time insights on Learning content, learner difficulty analysis, Instructor performance, and several other parameters, Recommender engine aided by ML, Online Action Planning to integrate Coaching and IDP (Individual Development Paths) within the LMS-LXP, Online Assessments with multiple formats, Tracking Learner engagement in real-time, Unique six-dashboards for different stakeholders, Continuous Learning, ML aided Instructor selection, and Automatic Report generation on more than a dozen parameters related to each course.

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TechGraph: With the rise of remote and hybrid learning models, what role does Talgro see LMS playing in ensuring the quality of education and engagement among learners?

Jagmohan Bhanver: In remote and hybrid learning, LMS plays a crucial role in maintaining education quality and learner engagement. It facilitates seamless content delivery, enabling educators to provide diverse material. Interactive features like quizzes, discussion boards, Q&A with faculty, and gamification enhance learner engagement. Progress tracking and analytics help educators identify struggling learners enabling timely interventions. Overall, LMS enhances accessibility, interactivity, and monitoring, ensuring a higher quality of education and sustained learner engagement.

TechGraph: AI and Machine Learning are transforming various industries. How do you see these technologies influencing the field of education, particularly in the context of LMS?

Jagmohan Bhanver: Incorporating AI and ML into Learning Management Systems (LMS) has the power to revolutionize education by making it more adaptive, efficient, and accessible, thereby greatly enhancing learning outcomes.

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For instance, AI facilitates personalized learning by analyzing student data and customizing content and pace to suit individual learning styles and needs. It also enables adaptive assessments that adjust difficulty levels based on a student’s performance, providing educators with accurate insights into their understanding.

Furthermore, Machine Learning processes vast datasets to reveal educational trends, helping educators fine-tune their teaching strategies and identify at-risk students.

Additionally, AI automates grading tasks, saving teachers time and ensuring consistency in evaluation. Chatbots powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) offer instant assistance to students’ queries, promoting active learning. AI’s early intervention capabilities are critical in identifying struggling students promptly, enabling timely interventions to prevent learning gaps.

Moreover, AI suggests supplementary resources through content recommendation, enriching students’ understanding. AI can also bridge language barriers by providing content translation and broadening access to education. AI-backed virtual classrooms introduce interactive features and real-time feedback, enhancing engagement in the learning process.

However, in the context of India, the digital divide remains a significant challenge, with uneven access to technology across different regions, which needs to be addressed to fully harness the benefits of AI and ML in education.

TechGraph: How does Talgro address this challenge in its AI-powered educational offerings?

Jagmohan Bhanver: In India’s context of unequal access to technology, AI-powered LMS can address the digital divide by implementing strategies that prioritize inclusivity. Talgro can offer offline access to learning materials, enabling students in regions with limited connectivity to download content and study at their convenience. By optimizing AI features for low-bandwidth usage, the TALGRO-LMS ensures smoother functionality even in areas with slower internet speeds. While incorporating advanced AI-driven elements, core learning content can remain text-based, making it accessible on a wider range of devices.

Furthermore, features like regional language support and modular learning can cater to diverse student needs and minimize data consumption, which are features we are incorporating as we are having this conversation. Collaborations with government initiatives and the establishment of collaborative learning centers can extend the benefits of AI-powered education to remote and underserved areas, helping bridge the digital gap and fostering equitable learning opportunities for all.

TechGraph: Continuous learning and upskilling are becoming crucial in today’s fast-changing world. How does Talgro empower professionals and adult learners through its LMS, particularly in terms of AI-enhanced content?

Jagmohan Bhanver: TALGRO empowers professionals and adult learners through AI-enhanced content in several valuable ways. Firstly, it provides Personalized Learning Paths by utilizing AI to analyze learners’ skills and goals, thus creating customized learning paths that ensure relevance and effectiveness.

Additionally, TALGRO offers Skill Gap Analysis through AI, which identifies individual skill gaps and recommends targeted courses, enabling focused upskilling efforts.

Furthermore, TALGRO offers Adaptive Content, which tailors content difficulty based on learners’ progress, ensuring engagement and efficient learning. For those with busy schedules, TALGRO provides Microlearning with AI-driven bite-sized content that facilitates continuous learning in short intervals. Real-time Feedback is another feature, where AI provides instant assessment and feedback, thereby enhancing understanding and skill development.

TALGRO also integrates AI-Powered Mentorship, with virtual mentors offering guidance and answering queries, fostering independent learning. Data-driven insights are derived from AI’s analysis of performance data, helping learners track progress and refine their learning strategies.

The platform also keeps professionals updated on emerging industry trends and technologies through AI-curated content. Furthermore, TALGRO can verify and certify skills, enhancing professionals’ credibility in their fields.

TechGraph: As education becomes increasingly personalized, how does Talgro’s LMS facilitate adaptive learning paths and individualized student journeys?

Jagmohan Bhanver: Talgro was the first LMS-LXP in India to evolve Automatic Personalized Learning paths for Learners. The LMS uses Machine Learning and aspects of AI to deliver this. Talgro has the potential to play a pivotal role in enabling adaptive learning paths and personalized student journeys by leveraging data analysis and AI algorithms.

Talgro tailors learning experiences based on available data within the system including Learning styles, Learner progress and preferences, course-specific insights, demographics, and several other variables. As the Learner engages with the platform, Talgro continually refines its approach, delivering customized content, assessments, and feedback.

This approach fosters self-paced learning, addresses skill gaps, and keeps students motivated by aligning their goals with the curriculum. By embracing adaptability and personalization, Talgro transforms education into a dynamic and tailored process, ultimately enhancing student comprehension, engagement, and overall educational success.

TechGraph: Lastly, what is Talgro’s vision for the future of education in India, and how does its LMS contribute to realizing that vision?

Jagmohan Bhanver: Talgro’s Vision is to empower organizations and people to be more productive by using our proprietary technology and domain expertise in the field of education and learning. Our goal is to democratize learning and make it outcomes-based and engaging.

The Talgro LMS-LXP has the potential to enable digital education (through the Talgro platform) in the remotest corners of India, thereby providing a seamless learning experience to students and learners from any corner of the world. The tools about Learner engagement, Gamification, and Learner difficulty analysis ensure that the Learner/student actually enjoys the learning experience and therefore is motivated to complete their course with record-low dropout rates.


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Krishna Mali
Krishna Mali
Founder & Group Editor of TechGraph.

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