A Denmark based brewer company Carlsberg on Monday announced that “The company has reported an increase in its India business which grew by 23% in March 2018, which increased the sales of its premium brands.”
In a filing with the Registrar of Companies, the Carlsberg said: “The company has posted revenue of Rs3,735 crore during FY18 compared to the last year were the company reported Rs3041 crores business.”
The company also said, “Its sales and volume is increased by 9.4% ahead of the overall beer market growth of 8.6% during the year with an increase in market share of 100 basis points.”
In its filing to the registrar of companies said: “The increase in sales and volumes has driven due to increasing consumer demands for our brands, sustainable marketing support and coupled with an increased production capacity of the company as a result of its operational contract manufacturing tie-ups.”
Carlsberg owns some of the premium brands like Tuborg, Kronenbourg, Somersby ciders, Grimbergen, Dali Beer, Elephant beer, Holsten and many more.