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Gen AI: Empowering Inclusive Digital Lending Growth



In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the choice of model can make or break the success of your project. With an array of options available, from commercial giants to open-source marvels, selecting the ideal model can be daunting.

However, armed with the right knowledge, this process can be simplified to ensure optimal results tailored to your specific requirements.

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Understanding Model Types

One of the initial considerations when embarking on your AI journey is determining the type of model best suited to your needs. Broadly speaking, models can be categorized into two main groups: larger models and smaller models.

Larger Models

These behemoths of AI offer unparalleled accuracy, capable of delivering astounding results across a spectrum of tasks. However, this superiority comes at a cost, both in terms of latency and financial investment. Examples of such models include the illustrious GPT 3.5 and its successors, alongside Anthropic Claude 2.x/3.x and Laama.

Smaller Models

Conversely, smaller models provide swifter responses and are more economical in terms of both time and resources. Anthropic Claude Insta stands as a prime example, offering agility without compromising on quality. The key lies in identifying the model that aligns with your objectives, ensuring a harmonious balance between performance and practicality.

Tailoring Approach for Model Usage

The manner in which a model is utilized can significantly impact its efficacy. From simple tasks requiring prompt engineering to complex endeavors necessitating fine-tuning, the approach must be tailored to suit the specific use case.

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Prompt Engineering

For straightforward applications devoid of intricate nuances, prompt engineering suffices. By providing the right context, Language Model Mastery (LLM) can work wonders, effortlessly generating insights from documents or distilling customer conversations into actionable intelligence.

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

In scenarios demanding a deeper understanding and integration of contextual knowledge, RAG emerges as the preferred method. Whether crafting chatbots for customer service or tackling knowledge-intensive tasks, RAG excels in maintaining factual consistency and mitigating hallucination.

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Fine Tuning

Alternatively, fine-tuning offers a route to enhancing model performance by training it with domain-specific data. While this approach yields superior accuracy and reduced latency, it necessitates a greater investment of resources and computational power. Choosing between RAG and fine-tuning hinges on the intricacies of the use case, with RAG often favored for its contextual prowess.

Prioritizing Data Security & Compliance

In an era fraught with concerns regarding data privacy and regulatory compliance, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. Before selecting a model, meticulous attention must be paid to data security and compliance considerations.

Deploying Locally

Opting to deploy an open-source model within your local environment affords greater control and security. However, this approach entails initial complexity and cost implications, necessitating robust measures to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Data Localization

Furthermore, selecting a model compliant with data localization regulations, such as those prevalent in India, is imperative. In instances where desired models are unavailable locally, employing masked data offers a viable workaround, ensuring adherence to regulatory frameworks without compromising on functionality.


In the dynamic realm of AI, the journey towards model selection is rife with challenges and complexities. By comprehensively assessing your requirements, understanding the nuances of different model types, and prioritizing considerations such as approach, data security, and compliance, you can navigate this labyrinthine landscape with confidence. Armed with the right model, tailored to your unique needs, the possibilities are limitless, paving the way for transformative advancements in AI-driven innovation.


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Anil Sinha
Anil Sinha
Anil Sinha, Chief Technology Officer at Fibe

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