Mumbai Police Commissioner, Hemant Nagrale on Wednesday said, "Three people have been arrested in the bulli bai app case, including Vishal Kumar Jha."
"The arrest...
India's leading B2B marketplace and New Retail platform Jumbotail has today announced that, "It has expanded its services in 13 cities across Tamil Nadu,...
Delhi-based infrastructure consultancy firm REPL announced that it has bagged 3 different orders from the state governments of Odisha, Assam for Architectural & Engineering...
Geneva/Guwahati: One more Indian journalist falls prey to the Covid-19 pandemic as Noida based scribe Pankaj Shukla breathed his last on 20 November 2020....
Instant personal loan provider, Dhani App on Monday said, "It has collaborated with Bollywood dancing queen Madhuri Dixit Nene to offer narrated sleep stories...
COVID-19 cases in India climbed to 169 on Thursday after fresh cases were reported, including from Chhattisgarh and Chandigarh, while most of the states...