Topics: Opinions

International Students: Study abroad destination choice amid uncertainty

The uncertainty right now seems uncanny; just when we thought that we have gone past the dreadful times of COVID-19 and that now, we...

Importance of Communication Design in the Contemporary societies

Communication design is the process of successfully delivering a message to a target audience using multiple media of audio and visual resources to motivate...

The Metaverse – Environmental Impacts & Future

The Metaverse. A vision of the future. The next great leap in the evolution of the internet. The physical world is blending with the...
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Social Impacts of Climate Change in India

The world is getting warmer, Climate change is the foremost challenge ever visaged by human social, political and economic systems. India  is witnessing climate...

Data Science Present & Future As the world embraces

In the last few years, technological advancements have probably overtaken a massive part of the global and Indian economy. This has not only benefited...

The impact of technology on Small to Medium size enterprises

The current business landscape across the globe is being led by digital technologies that are transforming the way systems and processes work. Business concepts...
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Finance and Investment Should be Mandated in all Curriculum

The recent economic crisis has focused a spotlight on the need for financial decision-making in times when the economy is uncertain. Our school education...

Brand Leaders At Their Best Post Covid-19 To Retain Themselves In The Market

Are you a business owner like many others? Yes! This makes one thing certain, the pandemic has rocked your world! Be it dealing with the change...

How food and grocery delivery services are emerging in this pandemic era?

The sudden pandemic is making revolutionary changes across the world and the conventional schools are helping the students to study online and companies have...
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The Data Protection Law to Safeguard Privacy and Promote Inclusive Growth

The data privacy code of practice is finally making headway in India. Globally, 107 countries have introduced some form of legislation for data privacy...
