In the beguiling realm of jewellery design, where creativity meets innovation, a new chapter unfolds with the infusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For aspiring...
India-based social networking platform O’hi has raised Rs 3 crore in series seed round funding from marquee investors such as Rahul Mehta (Managing partner...
Ayu Health Hospitals, a growing network of 40 hospitals across India has announced its maiden entry into Jaipur, through acquisition. The company has acquired...
Rising fuel prices and increasing pollution levels have pushed up the demand for electric vehicles with electric scooters emerging as the most preferred eco-friendly...
Jaipur-based electric vehicles startup BattRE has announced that "It has now moved to bigger factory premises to meet the demand.
"With this expansion move, BattRE...
Speaking with TechGraph on the expectations with the upcoming Budget, Jaipur Watch Company, Founder & CEO, Jaipur Watch Company said, "As an entrepreneur, I...
Okaya Power on 8 January said, "It has bagged a contract to install 4,244 multi-standard electric vehicles (EV) charging stations across the country from...
Geneva/Guwahati: One more Indian journalist falls prey to the Covid-19 pandemic as Noida based scribe Pankaj Shukla breathed his last on 20 November 2020....
Jaipur-based 1-on-1 personalized learning platform Edhusk has raised undisclosed funding from Mumbai Angel Network.
Founded in 2017 by Anuj Bhuria, Himanshu Kumar & Himanshu Meena,...
Ecommerce giant Amazon India said, "It is reportedly hiring close to 20,000 'seasonal' or temporary staff in its customer service (CS) department to help...