
Topics: GPS

Logistics 4.0: Creating a value chain through smart interconnected technologies

Businesses are keeping up with the changing digital environment to stay competitive. The situation is more "prevail or perish" since everything is digital now....

Popular green initiatives that rely on location intelligence

Industrialization, modernization, and populace development have negatively affected the climate, however, in the present tech-empowered world we have the information and innovation to serve...

TruBoard partners with Biz2X to innovate India’s fintech market

TruBoard Partners has entered into an innovative partnership with Biz2Credit to deploy the latter’s digital lending platform Biz2X in India.  This partnership will ensure an...
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Researchers at University of South Florida, develops a device to improve earthquake, tsunamis, and volcanoes forecast

Scientists have successfully developed and tested a high-tech device that can detect the small movements and changes in the Earth's seafloor -- often a...

Self-driving cars can now predict the pedestrian movement

Washington: Scientists are using humans' gait, body symmetry and foot placement to teach self-driving cars to recognise and predict pedestrian movements with greater precision...

RailMitra adds AI and machine learning programs to provide customized solutions for travel planners

When it comes to Indian Railways, no words can describe its vastness. Akin to the official mascot Bholu, Indian Railways indeed is the elephant...
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