
Topics: Ganesh gopalan

Budget 2022-23: Technology, SaaS, AI & ML Sector Reactions

Technology market reaction on Budget 2022-23: As Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday made an announcement outlining the economic growth for India over the...

Gnani Ai launches ‘Armour 365’ Voice Biometrics Software

Bangalore based Conversational Ai and Voice security platform have announced the launch of its home-grown voice biometrics software armour365. "Christened armour365™, the biometric solution...

Interview: “AI-based voice applications are still at a nascent stage,” says Ganesh Gopalan of

Speaking with the TechGraph, Ganesh Gopalan, CEO & Co-founder of said, "AI-based voice applications are still at a very nascent stage, but we...
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Farm Bills 2020: launches Kisan Awaaz Bot to share voice feedbacks of farmers

In a bid to allow Indian farmers to share their feedback and point of view on newly introduced Farm Bills 2020. India-based conversational AI...
