
Topics: President Biden

“Widespread censorship of Conservatives”: Ted Cruz on Tech companies blocking competition

Senator Ted Cruz during the hearing at the committee said, "The widespread of conservatives created by tech companies are blocking the competition." "When we talk...

President Joe Biden: COVID-19 Boosters are safe

Briefing the country on Covid-19 cases, The United States (U.S) President Joe Biden on Friday said, "Boosters are safe," and urged the citizens to...

Biden Administration to install 500K EV Charging Stations across the U.S

The U.S Vice President (VP) Kamala Harris has announced President Biden's administration plan to install 500,000 new electric vehicles (EV) charging stations across the...
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VP Kamala Harris commits $1.2 Bn in private investment for Central America

The U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has announced the commitment of $1.2 billion in the from international businesses to support Central America's economy and...

Jen Psaki slams meat conglomerates for high inflation

Addressing the press meet on Wednesday, White House General Secretary, Jen Psaki slammed meat conglomerates for "Jacking up prices" during the COVID-19 pandemic. During her...

“China is a Global thief” Rep. Tom Rice on Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

Speaking at the House on Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) on December 8 said, "China is a global thief." Adding to...
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Senator shows concerns about the algorithm used by tech companies to censor users

Senator Mike Lee on Thursday showed his concern on "How algorithms" can be used by tech companies to harm users through censorship and through...

“Fundamentally Unfair” GOP Senator on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for business

At the GOP Senator press briefing, Sen. Mike Lee  said, "More people are realizing that it is fundamentally unfair." Lee said, "The recent axis poll...

Jen Psaki: 41Mn borrowers benefited from the extended student loan payment pause

The White House (U.S) Spokesperson, Jen Psaki on Friday said, "41 million borrowers have benefited from the extended student loan payment pause." Replying to the...
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“We defer,” Jen Psaki on Federal Reserves ‘Peak Inflation’ projection

The White House (U.S) Spokesperson, Jen Psaki said, "We defer to the Federal Reserve and their assessments that they make, as they make predictions...
