
Topics: British Parliament

“Do something…” says PM Boris Johnson in his New Year Speech amid omicron surge

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his new year speech has said, "Find the COVID-19 vaccination centre, get that jab and do something that...

COVID-19: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson says, “We can turn the tide in 12 weeks”

Addressing the nation on the Coronavirus outbreak, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday said, "We can change the tide of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)...

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab issues 30 days travel advice against all non-essential international travel

United Kingdom, London: In an attempt to secure its nationalist from the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Foreign Secretary in the Government of...
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Coronavirus: UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab issues travel advice against all non-essential international travel

In an attempt to secure its nationalist from the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Foreign Secretary in the Government of the United Kingdom,...

Prime Minister Boris Johnson asks ‘Britain’ to avoid non-essential contacts

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, has urged the citizens to avoid non-essential contacts. Addressing the nation on the recent Coronavirus outbreak...

Britain will not appoint new BoE Governor before Dec. 12 election

Britain's government will not name a successor to Bank of England Governor Mark Carney before a national election due on Dec. 12, a finance...
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October 31, the new deadline given by EU to Theresa May on Brexit deal

European Union leaders gave Theresa May a new Brexit deadline of Oct. 31, four months longer than the prime minister asked for, in a...

UK Finance minister Philip Hammond sees a deal with Labour party on Brexit

Talks between the British government and the main opposition Labour party aimed at breaking the deadlock over Brexit continue, finance minister Philip Hammond said...

#BrexitDeal : British MP’s to hold votes on various Brexit options

British MPs will on Wednesday hold votes on various Brexit options even as Prime Minister Theresa May comes under pressure to announce a departure...
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#Brexit : Theresa May calls European divorce deal for the third time, Reports Cabinet plots to topple her

British Prime Minister Theresa May held crisis talks with senior colleagues and hardline Brexiteers on Sunday trying to breathe life into her twice-defeated European...
