
Topics: Repo Rate

Anand Kumar Bajaj, MD & CEO of PayNearby on RBI Monetary Policy

Anand Kumar Bajaj, Founder, Managing Director & CEO of PayNearby on RBI Monetary Policy said, "The pandemic boosted the need for contactless payments and...

Bandhan Bank Chief Economist & Head of Research Siddhartha Sanyal on RBI Monetary Policy

Speaking on the RBI Monetary Policy that was announced on Tuesday, Bandhan Bank's Chief Economist & Head of Research Siddhartha Sanyal said, "Maintaining status...

RBI Monetary Policy: Repo Rate remains Unchanged, Inflation, GDP, UPI Transaction

Citing to the rising fear of COVID-19 Omicron variant in the country, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on Tuesday...
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