India's Budget 2025-26 Coverage
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Topics: Matt Hancock

“Do something…” says PM Boris Johnson in his New Year Speech amid omicron surge

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his new year speech has said, "Find the COVID-19 vaccination centre, get that jab and do something that...

Medical Chief Chris Whitty in NHS new ad: “Act like you’ve” got it to stop the virus spread

England Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty in NHS New coronavirus ad campaign said, "The new variant of COVID-19 is placing huge pressure on NHS." "Act...

PM Boris Johnson: Will use ‘Battle- preparation techniques to meet vaccine target

Speaking in the COVID-19 vaccine distribution strategy, British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson said, "It will use the 'battle-preparation' techniques to meet the pace.

Britain to roll out AstraZeneca vaccine from Monday

Speaking on the AstraZeneca vaccine, Britain Health & Social Care Secretary, Matt Hancock in an interview said, "Hundreds of Thousands of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines...

More parts of England to go in tier 4 restrictions: Matt Hancock

Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock on Tuesday announced Tier 4 restrictions in "Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire."

WHO: In contact with UK officials on the new COVID-19 strains

World Health Organisation (WHO) has said, "It is in close contact with officials on the new strains of COVID-19 discovered in the UK." Addressing the...

Matt Hancock: Bristol & North Somerset to go down from tier III

Briefing the Parliament on the COVID-19, Secretary of Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock said, "As the rates have come down the rates have...

Matt Hancock: New strains of coronavirus which spread even faster has discovered in the UK

Briefing the parliament on Monday, Matt Hancock of Dept. Health and Social Care said, "The new strains of coronavirus which can spread even faster...

“UK sets a goal of 100,000 coronavirus test daily,” says Matt Hancock

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock on Friday said, "We have set a target of 100,000 coronavirus tests daily." Follow...



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